This past term, I was assisting as a tutor for one section of a math
course (I am teaching this course in the present term). The students in
the class wanted to have some extra tutorial time. One of the students
collected information about when everyone was available. It turned out
that there was no common period where all interested students could
come, so there ended up being no extra tutorial.
This was
between the professor and the students. I didn't find out about it
until after the fact. I assume from the conversation, though, that
there was going to be at most one extra tutorial, because the proposal
was nixed once it was revealed that there was no common period.
suppose that the professor was willing to offer a number of tutorials
limited only by what periods where either he or I would have been
available to lead one (assuming that the tutorials would be held during
the day). Then it may still be possible to find a way to accommodate
everyone. In fact, it's pretty easy to tell whether or not it is.
already have a list of which periods students are available. Since at
least one of the available tutors (in this case, me and the professor)
must be at the tutorial, we can strike from that list all periods where
none are available. If everyone is available in at least one of the
remaining periods, then all students can be accommodated. Otherwise
it's not.
One way to do this is simply hold
tutorials in each of those remaining periods. However, professors have
many responsibilities besides teaching ("publish or perish" and all
that), so it's desirable to use the fewest tutorial periods possible.
So how can we do that?
It turns out that this is an application of a well studied problem in combinatorics, known as the set cover problem.
Suppose we are given a collection of sets, say $S_1,S_2,\ldots, S_k$.
Let $U=\cup_{i=1}^k S_i.$ Suppose that $I$ is a subset of
$\{1,2,\ldots,k\}$ and $U=\cup_{i\in I}S_i$. Then $I$ is called a {\em
set cover} of $U$. The set cover problem is to minimize the size of $I$.
suppose that the periods are numbered $1,2,\ldots, k$. For each $i$,
let $S_i$ be the set of students who are available during period $i$.
Then the we can find the fewest tutorial periods needed by finding the
smallest set cover of $U$.
Unfortunately, the set cover
problem is NP-complete. The formal definition of what this means takes
a fair bit of work to explain, so I won't get into it here (if you're interested, follow the link to the topic in the Wikipedia article on the set cover problem). In
practical terms, though, it means that there is no currently known way
to find the smallest set cover efficiently (and there probably won't
ever be). Perhaps the number of students and number of periods is small
enough that it is still manageable by computer, or there is some
approximation algorithm that will give a near-optimal solution.
Randy Elzinga's mathematics blog. Graph theory, algebra, and real life. Not peer reviewed.
Saturday, 4 January 2014
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